eli5: How are many male prisoners very muscular whilst in prison despite prison food often being very poor and small?


Doesn’t make sense to me as many prisoners have said that meals are “about as big enough for a 5-year-old” and often are lacking in healthy elements

In: 24

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Commissary. You can supplement your diet with all kinds of foods bought in the prison commissary.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prisoner opinion on nutrition isn’t valid data. Also, you can get more calories than the meals being served by various means – swapping portions, favors, commissary, brown-nosing, etc.

The main reason is that prison is BORING and working out fills the time. So many inmates work out a lot.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you are in prison and have the mentality to exercise, you have a whole lot more time on your hands than someone on the outside with better nutrition and less time due to the constraints of work and family life, prisons will normally provide gym facilities to allow inmates to work out their tensions, and also inmates will use their environment to create workouts and heavier gym equipment

money coming in from friends and family can aid what you eat, coupled with the time you have to focus on getting and staying physically fit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prison food is actually not that bad. Its jail food that sucks. In jail you will likely lose weight only eating meager portions of something i wouldn’t give a stray dog. In prison to keep the inmates more content to prevent further violence you get what i would call real food. Its not 5 star quality by no means, but you get actual meats and vegetables. In the jail for my county they serve green bologna. If you complain about the bologna being green their response is, and i quote “ It’s not bologna, its protein loaf.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert but when locked down for covid, I actually needed to workout to feel better. Being stuck in a room is so bad and there’s very little you can do… workout is one of those things you can do to spend time and be happy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a former CO, prison meals are not portioned for children. Quality is not poor, it’s typical mass made cafeteria style food, just blander than most prefer.

In my state, if you’re in prison and of a functional age, you’re being forced to work out. Gang/race intimidation and preparation to “help your own” when a large fight pops off.

Inmates also get at least 2 hours of outdoor recreation time to workout, as well as time spent in their pods or cells to work out as well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

so much ignorance in these comments…people really don’t understand the Panopticon and it shows