eli5: how are musical keys decided


i vaguely know that a key is a set of notes but do they always have to sound good together? who created these keys and what criteria do a set of notes have to have to be considered a key?

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9 Answers

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There’s a “devil’s interval” between the 4th and the 7th (in the key of C these are F and B) which don’t sound very pleasing. But “suspense” is just as important as “light” in music, so “sound good together” depends on the context. Check out the opening riff


There’s a pattern for working out a major key, in terms of *tones* and *semitones,* which goes:


A *tone* is 2 frets on a guitar or 2 adjacent keys on a piano, and a *semitone* is one fret or key. So if we want to know the notes in the key of C major, we start on the C and follow the pattern.

The other common key is *minor*, and the pattern for that is T S T T S T T

|C|1st (root)|1st (root)|
|C# / Db|||
|D# / Eb||3rd|
|F# / Gb|||
|G# / Ab||6th|
|A# / Bb||7th|

If you work out the notes in A minor, you’ll see that they, like C major, are all white notes. The ancient Greeks had a “mode” using “all white notes” for every starting note:

C Ionian (what we call the Major key)

D Dorian

E Phrygian

F Lydian

G Mixolydian

A Aeolian (our minor key)

B Locrian


So we’ve defined an octave, split it into 11, and used 7 of those in a scale. We also know that the 4 and the 7 are , well, a bit dodgy, so we leave those out and just have 5, or pentatonic, scale, and that seems to be hardwired into us:

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