ELi5 – How are street adresses determined / how do they get numbered?


ELi5 – How are street adresses determined / how do they get numbered?

In: 59

22 Answers

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This answer is from a former pizza delivery person using deductive reasoning. This is only meant as the logical explanation of “how” they do it from what I have observed.

The city or area is grid X and the center of the X is ground zero for both north vs south axis and east vs west axis. As you travel anyone of the 4 directions the numbers increase and the numbers increase according to the municipally, county or city you are in and that is likely by the “blocks”. So let’s say each walking city block equals “1000” numerical value. The address thus as you travel within that direction the first block from 0 will be 0-1000. My experience has been odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right.

That goes for all four directions and thus us people needing to find a location VIA ADDRESS basically know precisely where it is. Such as 1642 North 21st street

That address will thus equal 1.642 city blocks NORTH of the center line of the n vs s axis of our model on 21st street.

Hope that helps.

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