eli5 how are streets numbered in new york city?


i’ve realized no address says like 23rd W 3rd but more like 200 W 23rd. these are just imaginary addresses from the top of my mind. idek if those are real or what’s there. can anybody explain how do you number that?

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3 Answers

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5th Avenue is the dividing line between east and west. So all street addresses west of 5th are West X street, and all addresses east of 5th are East X street. Each block is 100 addresses and it goes up block by block as you move away from 5th Ave. So for example, the addresses on the block between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, have the numbers 1 through 99; between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, 100-199; and so on. The same is true on the west side.

So in your example. 23 W 3rd is between 5th Ave and 6th Ave because 0-99 is 1 block west, and 200 W 23rd is 2 blocks west of 5th Ave, which is at 7th Ave, because 200 = 2 blocks west.

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