eli5 How are the dutch able to give away american made weapons?


Export controls on these ?

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4 Answers

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You are right that there is usually some export restrictions on weapons. Netherlands can buy weapons from the US but generally not sell or give away these to Ukraine. This is negotiated between the governments while the trade is negotiated between the companies. Either the export restrictions have a time limit, this is not uncommon. So old weapons can be sold to other countries while new ones can not. Or the export restrictions could be waved by the origin country. So the US can give Netherlands the permission to export these weapons to Ukraine.

Violating the export restrictions is also not a simple case. It is generally not accepted among the international community for a nation to physically prevent weapons from being exported or otherwise physically enforce the export restrictions. The acceptable reactions are usually restricted to very stern words and public shaming. Governments do keep a list of suspected foreign spies on diplomatic visas which they can expel in cases like this but even that is often seen as bad mannered. You could stop future exports of weapons to the country but that would hurt your own industry as well and usually does not prevent the country from getting weapons.

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