eli5 : how big ship anchors don’t get stuck in the sea bed rocks ?


this question was in my mind for years… if the anchor keeps the huge ship from drifting, how do you get free when you want to sail away ?

In: 3683

45 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to what others have said, I dropped anchor into a fish farm once (because I’m an idiot I know) and it grabbed that thing hard.

Had to let it out aaaaaaal the way, and the back of the chain was roped into the boat (the chain was geld by the gears so this rope wasn’t pulled on just stopped it dropping accidently)

Attached a boy, cut the rope and dropped the anchor.

Wasn’t worth going back for so I posted about it and told people to help themselves if they could get it up it was theirs, it was gone in a few days.

So the truthful answer is, if your stupid enough, they can get stuck lol.

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