Fiber internet works just like the ethernet in a building.
Data is broken into smaller units called packets and like letters in the mail each packet has a source and destination address or IP address. This helps the devices figure out where to send the traffic. (If you want to be pedantic there’s a lot more involved than that, but this is the ELI5 answer)
The fiber optic cable is like a water pipe. It is able to carry internet for lots of homes because no 1 home needs 100% of what the pipe can carry. Also not everyone is using the internet / taking a shower at once. If they do, everyone slows down. You get less water pressure because everyones tap is on at the same time.
Cable modems and Cable TV go a step further. Each signal or TV channel on the coax cable uses a set frequency that’s different than the other. Just like different stations on a radio. The Cable Internet signal just happens to take frequencies that aren’t used by the TV.
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