Eli5 how can bloodloss cause vomiting


Im a blood donor. I have been donating for about 2 years now. Both the first and the last time i went, i threw up.
Now the cardiovascular system and the digestion system arent heavily related as far as im aware.
So how come the bloodloss causes naseau and vomiting?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood loss can cause a variety of symptoms, which your brain can detect, even if only subconsciously. It may simply classify these symptoms as “Something’s wrong.” but can’t tell exactly what’s causing them, so it defaults to “We’ve eaten something poisonous.”, because in prehistoric times that was a common cause of “Something’s wrong.”. So the solution is “get rid of the poison” by emptying the stomach of the “poisonous thing”, even if the diagnosis the brain reached is actually wrong.

That’s why vomiting can also be caused by such a variety of things, like inhaling or injecting drugs or a concussion. The brain knows “something” is wrong, but not “what” is wrong.

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