ELI5- How can certain fruit have “anti-cancer” properties?


I have this annoying habit of looking up the benefits of everything I eat and often with fruits they will claim to reduce the risk of cancer. How is that possible?

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5 Answers

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Anything that reduces your chance of getting cancer can be considered “anti-cancer”

Applying sunscreen before you go outside? Thats anti-skin cancer measures.

Not living next to a radioactive dump? Thats anti-cancer location.

As you know, our body loves to work with oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, unfortunately, sometimes oxygen end up with only 5 electrons on the outer shell, making it hella reactive.

So when these radical floats around, it’ll start riping out electrons from cells, which causes damage. the more radical floating around, the more damage they cause. And the more often cells are damage, the higher the risk of cancer.

Enter Anti-oxidants, which are just things that have excess electrons that will donate to these radicals. A 5 e Oxygen with an excessive electron becomes normal oxygen and stops fuking things up. Some fruits contain a compound that are anti-oxidants, and therefore, reduces cancer risk caused by free radical.

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