Eli5 how can insects survive a slap from humans, a creature that’s gigantic compared to them


Eli5 how can insects survive a slap from humans, a creature that’s gigantic compared to them

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78 Answers

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Assuming you’re slapping them out of the air, your moving hand is also moving a wall of air in front of it. The wall of air first hits the insect and starts pushing it forward. Now you’re trying to slap something also moving in the same direction. This transfers less force than slapping something staying still.

The wall of air can also cause the insect to blow around your hands, especially if the insect is small.

You’ll notice fly swatters have holes in them to prevent this wall of air. It’s much easier to swat insects out of the air with them than with your hands.

Though in either case, if you swat them against something hard, they have no where to go and they get the full force.

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