Eli5: how can scientists determine the age of anything past x amount of years if there’s no records to prove it?


To explain.
Let’s say they have a method that can test bone age. Up to let’s say 1-2k years we can know for sure it’s accurate, since we might have believable records on the bones proving that the age test is accurate.

Past a certain age though there’s no more records. How can we know the testing is accurate and not just the method only going up to that limit and being inaccurate on anything older? Or are we just assuming?

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8 Answers

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You have a phone right? With a battery in it? Let’s assume it lasts a full 24h before dying.

Every day you charge that phone, and as long as you’re alive, the phone gets charged, you login etc.

Now you die with the phone in your pocket, no more charging.

When you’re found, someone may look in your pocket and find your phone and from the state of charge they can measure how long ago you were alive to charge it for the last time, so that gives them at least a day when you were still alive.

Of the phone is dead and the battery’s completely depleted, you’ve been dead for over a day right?

Well you also drink water. How dry is your body? From the level of dehydration you get a scale of weeks where you were still alive.

Well you also eat right? From the level of decay you can get months, perhaps even years.

Well that food also has radioactive isotopes that stopped being replenished once you stopped eating. From the level of radioactive isotopes in your body you can get accuracy within thousands, even millions of years.

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