Eli5 how can video games perfectly replicate real life physics


Like making a ball bounce…etc

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12 Answers

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They don’t.

The motion of a ball in real life is way more complicated than in any video game because of all the interactions with different surfaces and the atmosphere and so on.

Most video games don’t bother with any of that because you won’t notice the difference if they keep it simple.

Then it’s mostly code. You tell the ball how fast it should fall to the ground and then tell it to bounce back up again when it hits the ground. It’s fairly simple to have the bounce speed relative to whatever speed it hit the ground with.

Tweak it until it fills right and you’re good.

Not only is it too difficult to fully replicate real world physics, it’s almost mostly not desirable. Gamers aren’t playing games expecting perfect recreations of the real world. Unless it’s a simulator, you don’t need to be fully accurate, you just need it to be good enough for whatever game you’re trying to make, and often that means deliberately ignoring things that don’t fit (for example, most shooters deliberately ignore bullet physics because it’s more satisfying if the bullet just hits whatever you were aiming at)

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