Eli5 how can video games perfectly replicate real life physics


Like making a ball bounce…etc

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12 Answers

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By *not* perfectly replicating real life physics.

Physics is basically just lots and lots of mathematical equations. You plug in information for the inputs, and the equations give you the output.

For a ball bouncing, you’d plug in its starting position, its starting velocity, its mass, and acceleration due to gravity, and we have equations that will tell you how it moves.

Computers are very good at doing math, so all they’re doing is the same thing: taking inputs, performing math, and producing outputs, then telling the computer how to draw that output.

But computers don’t *perfectly* follow along with physics equations. They are simply too complex. They’ll use simplified equations that produce good enough results that look real. The fewer variables you have to consider, and the simpler the math, the faster the computer can produce results.

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