eli5 how can videos/gifs or pictures go viral multiple times, even if it was big only a couple moths ago, it’ll be reposted and still get huge coverage, what causes this?


eli5 how can videos/gifs or pictures go viral multiple times, even if it was big only a couple moths ago, it’ll be reposted and still get huge coverage, what causes this?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: Not everyone sees every post. There are new Redditors joining everyday. Plus, even if you’ve been on Reddit for years, it’s nearly impossible to see every post. So, you may miss it the first time but see it the second or third.

Also, some people like to see reposts. I saw one just yesterday where someone commented they would upvote everytime they see it just because they like it that much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a micro-cycle between subs on reddit and a macro-cycle between various social media platforms where a piece of content gets posted somewhere, followers of that person or subreddit (let’s call it A) see it and think it would be good content for another sub/page/tag/etc and post it there (let’s call that B); people then see the post to B and realize it would be good content for A and post it there. Now just repeat that process for a couple days.

Then you have people who try to farm karma/followers and search for content that was posted a couple weeks ago and yielded a lot of views for the person that posted it; they repost it with the same title and usually get a shitload of views/upvotes because there are so many people who didn’t see it the first time around.

People farm karma/followers so they can then leverage those accounts to push products/ideas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Timing – posting once something has just left the front page.

Title and content – you can basically assume that a massively popular post will be popular again if reposted identically.

Concurrent users – you’ll get a massively different pool of users scrolling reddit if you post at a different day at a different time.