ELI5. How can we read something in our head in somebodys voice? (Read this again with Morgan Freeman’s voice)


ELI5. How can we read something in our head in somebodys voice? (Read this again with Morgan Freeman’s voice)

In: 158

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

i am not a professional in speech pathology or anything whatever, but i experience this like “downloading” someone’s voice through exposure. for example, i would be extremely comfortable saying something with a southern accent or even “as someone” familiar-but-distinct to me. i have a pretty versatile framework for referencing its distinct qualities.

i am actually not super familiar with morgan freeman but i can “hear” him when i read this to myself because i can support what i don’t know of his speech with the understanding of my own. if i were to read it to someone, not so much… because that is outside of the framework of my own perception.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wow, what an interesting question. I hope someone can answer it better!

Professional musician here, on an instrument that uses really fine motor control and muscle awareness. When I read what you posted, I feel my mouth and tongue slightly moving, to shape those words The shape of the mouth for any vowel is called the vocal formant. I think I’ve always done this and I just now realized it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many people, probably most people, have the ability to imagine sounds in their head. They can imagine all sorts of sounds, including other people’s voices that they are familiar with. Not everyone can imagine sounds though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s two ways of hearing things…

Your ears are like Mr Potato heads ears. You pop them out and put them on the table in front of you.

Now, you can’t hear as your inputs are gone. But you can still imagine sounds. Your brain can take a memory and loop the signal into the nerves that are where your ears “attach”.

So, you can hear things through your ears, or your brain can send internal signals down the same input pathways… so you hear things that aren’t based on external inputs.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Your ear picks up sound, & converts it to information

Your brain saves information as electrical paths

If you access the path, you receive the info again

You can combine it with new info, like these words

The result is new words being spoken by an old voice

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry for not giving some answer.
But I will give people here something else to boggle their mind about as that voice you can mimic in your mind, is just the start. Get a towel ready as well, you might need it.

Just dream bigger, and give it some more thought. Just think of all the people you’ve met in your dreams and what ALL of that means by doing so.

You now get that towel. You can use it to have something easy to wrap around your mind xD

Anonymous 0 Comments

I kinda know how it sounds. But I just couldn’t read it in that voice. My inner voice just takes over

Anonymous 0 Comments

He was my go-to voice before I even read his name.

Now I wonder… can I condition myself to think in his voice at all times??

Anonymous 0 Comments

My Morgan Freeman inner voice sounds like me, a country ass white dude, trying to do a Morgan Freeman impression. It makes me wonder if when the AI can read our minds better than it can now, if all these inner voices sound anything like their real counterparts.