Eli5 How can whale sleep underwater?


Eli5 How can whale sleep underwater?

In: 4

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They are voluntary breathers, meaning they have to actively think about it to take a breath (unlike us, who breathe without thinking about it).

Only half of their brain sleeps at any one time, which allows them to remain aware of their surroundings. They switch between each half of their brain as they sleep.

They sleep near the surface, so can go up for a breath when they need one.

[Here is some more information](https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/how-do-whales-and-dolphins-sleep/)

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They are voluntary breathers, meaning they have to actively think about it to take a breath (unlike us, who breathe without thinking about it).

Only half of their brain sleeps at any one time, which allows them to remain aware of their surroundings. They switch between each half of their brain as they sleep.

They sleep near the surface, so can go up for a breath when they need one.

[Here is some more information](https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/how-do-whales-and-dolphins-sleep/)

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are voluntary breathers, meaning they have to actively think about it to take a breath (unlike us, who breathe without thinking about it).

Only half of their brain sleeps at any one time, which allows them to remain aware of their surroundings. They switch between each half of their brain as they sleep.

They sleep near the surface, so can go up for a breath when they need one.

[Here is some more information](https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/how-do-whales-and-dolphins-sleep/)