eli5 how Catholics and Lutherans view the Eucharist differently?

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I’m still so confused after reading the original sources. I think both Catholics and Lutherans take communion seriously as the real presence of Christ. But then how do they differ? Why do Catholics do adoration but Lutherans don’t?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Full disclosure I am neither Catholic nor Lutheran, and the church i attended practices either Memorialism or Receptionism.

|Transubstantiation|Upon consecration by the priest the Bread and Wine completely changes into the actual body of Christ, and Christ’s presence is in the Bread and Wine (Real Presence). |Roman Catholics|
|Consubstantiation|A sacramental union between the Bread and Wine with Christ. Christ’s body and blood is now present in the form of the bread and wine. ELI5: The bread and wine is still bread and wine, but Christ is also present in/with/under the bread and wine. I have seen multiple analogies, but the one that seem to make the most sense to me is one of sponge and water (it’s a bit weak because it implies you can remove the water from the sponge, while in Consubstantiation, it has been joined as one) |Lutherans|
|Divine Lithurgy|Accepts that Christ is present in the elements of the Eucharist but does not attempt to explain how, calling it a divine mystery|Orthodox|
|Memorialism|The bread and wine symbolizes the body and blood of Christ but Christ is not physically (and/or spiritually) present in the elements|most other groups|
|Receptionism|Christ is not physically present in the elements but is spiritually present in the elements|Reformed + Presbyterian|

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