eli5 How colourblind people recognise colours after using specially designed glasses?


Watched few videos and make me ask this, how this glasses work?

In: 17

6 Answers

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I’m color blind – I have a pair of “eye glasses for color blind” that I rarely use, but I can explain what they do NOT do: Make you see/identify colors you cannot see.

Or at least not as it’s phrased. Light is a spectrum, and the receptors in my eyes have a problem recognizing (differentiating) a certain part of that spectrum. By applying a filter of the light in front of my eyes, that changes the spectrum, what without glasses looks like one color, becomes two (or more). However, the colors in the spectrum close to that, which I can see without glasses will no longer be differentiable. It doesn’t fix the vision problem.

“Luckily” most color blind people have only a small spectrum or a few diverse small spectrums of colors where the receptors have problems; but you do have people who are close to black/white levels of receptors only. No glasses resolve this. Surgery if we could do it, would be the only way.

I use my glasses rarely. It helps if I use software that uses colors (please stop doing this!) to indicate meaning and to me I see 4 “same color dots” and an impossible mapping. SOMETIMES the glasses will allow me to differentiate the 4 colors, but by no means will I know what color they are to you who have no colorblindness. I suspect most people if they could see colors with other people’s eyes would be confused – we perceive colors differently but have an agreed upon interpretation of that. Color blinds simply cannot differentiate enough to make that leap. I’m tired of being told that one color has 10 different color names – it’s one color to me, but everyone else sees slight nuances that I cannot.

And to be honest – a lot of times the glasses will not help there. To use the computer software example above. I may be able to see the graph legend use different colors, but I cannot tell which color it is on the graph. Identifying colors is HARD for me. Even if I block all the other colors, I’m not sure if the two colors that are close to one another, are the same or different. Only if they are close to one another can I see they’re different, but don’t ask me what color they are. Green, Brown, Red to me are not what they are to you. I confuse them ALL the time and no glasses will resolve that.

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