eli5 How colourblind people recognise colours after using specially designed glasses?


Watched few videos and make me ask this, how this glasses work?

In: 17

6 Answers

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Color “blindness” is kind of a misnomer. While there are some people who truly only see in shades of gray, the vast majority actually have some variable degree of color “deficiency”.

You know how screens or LED’s can make almost any color by combining red, green, and blue light (RGB)? Our eyes detect light in a similar way, sensing how much red, green, or blue is in the light coming in.

In people with color vision deficiency, these cells have closer overlap. For example, I’m red-green color”blind” (deficient). I can still see red and green light as different colors, but my red- and green-detecting cells sometimes have a hard time distinguishing between the two.

I can still look at paint colors and see that a vibrant red is clearly red and a bright green is clearly green, but if you show me a sort of reddish brown next to a brownish green, the difference is much less obvious.

Those special glasses work by filtering out a lot of the in between brown tones in the light coming into my eyes, so that I will pretty much only see the red component of the reddish brown and only see the green component in the brownish green, making it easier to distinguish between the two.

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