ELi5: How come ants can survive almost any fall but humans can’t?


I know it has to do something with mass, but i’m clueless.

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13 Answers

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Structure and weight. A human is very heavy, an ant is very light. That combine with how we are made, humans are meat sacks with organs wrapped around bones that are long and made to impact in certain directions only, ants have exoskeleton that encase their bodies in almost sn armor.

So you drop an ant and an Aunt from 3rd story balcony. The ant will never reach full peak velocity because it’s too light and will slow down from air resistance. The Aunt would just plummet.

Now the ant is not only falling slower, but also as weighs less is landing with less force.

Like imagine a baloon and a brick falling on your head, the balloon would be nothing while the brick would hurt. Well that same thing happen when you land, whatever part you land on gets the rest of the force from whatever weight is behind it. So ant dont have enough weight to injure their exoskeletons, but humans and their heavy twig shaped bones and water filled meat bags do.

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