eli5: How come health care cost so much more in America vs. other countries?


I understand that insurances covers part of the cost. However, the total cost (before coverage) is still much higher in America. Why?

Is the supply chain different? Are doctors and staff paid better in America?

In: 188

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Canada nationalized health care in the 70’s. There is no middle men. Government run hospitals, government administered ‘insurance’ that is just money taken from taxes. There is no ‘health care insurance coding industry’. We also banned prescription drug advertising as ads are the #1 line item (not r&d). There is no brand name hospitals. It is just ‘the hospital’.

There are private medical clinics in most strip malls but those are run under strict cost controls with no cost to the end user.

The end result is Canada spends around $5900 USD per year to cover 100% of the population. America spends $12,300 USD per person to cover 91% of the population and has a life expectancy 4-5 years less than Canada.


It is cheaper to have a streamlined system than to let corporations run wild. America is also the only 1st world country in the world not to negotiate drug prices. So a bottle of insulin in Canada is $25-$30 CAD vs $300 USD. Same stuff. You can’t blame r&d as Canada invented insulin and gave the patent away as ‘it was too important to patent’.

The drugs hospitals give out are billed to the system without profit. So an Aspirin is $1.65 instead of $165.00. No middle men and corporations to profit from that pill.

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