eli5: How come health care cost so much more in America vs. other countries?


I understand that insurances covers part of the cost. However, the total cost (before coverage) is still much higher in America. Why?

Is the supply chain different? Are doctors and staff paid better in America?

In: 188

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: corruption and greed. The American health insurance system has lobbied for years taking more and more right away from people and ensuring people always stay sick and injured. The Healthcare professionals are the same and medicine is the same as much of the rest of the world, but hospital administrators are just members of a cabal to make as much profit as possible and actively disrupt everything sensible because sensible doesn’t make money. It’s actually rooted in southern ‘Christian’ teachings where only God can heal and giving your money to the state instead of the church makes God angry. Thanks to that, we have no Healthcare, no welfare, and no protections beyond the free education of our youth and becoming a profit-basis for the shitty hospital administrator at the end of our life as the insurance companies rake the federal coffers over the coals because fuck you. As others have mentioned, it’s not a system, it’s a marketplace with no rules

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