Eli5 How come we know there’s only 3 dimensions in our world when math allows technically arbitrarily high numbers of them?


We can’t physically see or understand how complex numbers exist or work in our world in a nice way, but we know they do exist. Because we’ve made massive advancements in science and technology off the assumption that they exist and work, and our understanding of many things in the world including stuff as basic as the solutions to quadratic equations would fall apart. By the same token, there are many problems for which vectors and problem spaces of nth degree are used, where n>3, and there’s that whole adage where time is considered a 4th dimension. In that way, we often solve many problems, even rudimentary linear algebra ones, using sets in R⁴, R⁵, etc, and there are many, many invisible forces at work in our world such as gravity. We know how easily our brain can trick us, we still are easily fooled by optical illusions even when we know they’re there and what they are/how they work, despite our visual cortex being the one of the most powerful and most used part of our brain. So the idea of forces and things which we don’t have the capacity to perceive existing in the world is not anything new or foreign. There are frequencies we can’t hear, colors we can’t see, etc which other animals can and do. So why is the concept of n dimensions in the world so widely rejected? There must be a simple reason, I have heard that it has to do with the volume of a gas in a container being proportionate to its dimensionality or something

In: 2497

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because we know what a dimension is.

We have three spacial dimensions and one time dimension. There are three orthogonal directions a spacial object can be rotated in, and they are interchangeable. There is no fourth one. That’s pretty easy to test. This is what makes a spacial dimension a spacial dimension.

Since dimensions are mathematical we can call other things dimensions too. Say every fundamental particle is a dimension, then we live in an four-dimensional field of 18-dimensional vectors.

If you want to say some fifth non-time-non-space time-like dimension exists, then sure, but it won’t be a spacial dimension, and if it has no impact on our world then saying it exists is quite pointless.

As an aside, it is possible that we do have more spacial dimensions that are incredibly small, since we cannot measure small enough we can’t directly test this like we can with space as a whole.

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