Eli5 how computer could help more than human brain or solving different problems if everything inside it has been installed by humans


Eli5 how computer could help more than human brain or solving different problems if everything inside it has been installed by humans

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3 Answers

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The human brain is very good at solving problems that are necessary to survive. Like, estimating the path of an object moving through a 3 dimensional space on human size and speed scales. Our brains have this innate understanding on the physics of an object the side of a rock flying though the air, and calculate it’s path without us even realizing it.

There are calculations on huge scales (the universe) and tiny scales (quantum) where we just literally can’t truly comprehend it clearly in our heads.

Computers are also really good at lots of relatively simple calculations all at the same time. Before “computer” was a machine, “computer” was a job that a person did, they literally computed things as a job.

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