Eli5: how did America actually destabilize the Middle East in the Iraq war? What was done specifically that caused all of the chaos in the countries we were involved in?


Eli5: how did America actually destabilize the Middle East in the Iraq war? What was done specifically that caused all of the chaos in the countries we were involved in?

In: 185

40 Answers

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It’s because Iraq was Sunni minority ruled via a Saddam Hussein dictatorship that abused the majority Shia. There was also decent size Kurd population.

Of note, neighboring Iran is majority Shia. And neighboring Turkey can’t stand the Kurds.

Also of note, they are sitting on a shit ton of oil.

Therefore, when we went in there for bullshit reasons, killed over 100,000 civilians and then tried to set up a democracy, the Shia were pissed for being abused for so long and got help from Iran. The Kurds were pissed to and we’re getting shit from Sunni’s, Shia and the Turks…

And they all were fighting for power and oil while being (a) pissed at us for invading them, (b) already having high levels of corruption…etc…

Stopped following, so not sure how the Iraq chaos that we caused impacted Syria but I know climate change played a part in Syria on top of it being another dictatorship that oppressed it’s people. I also think Syrian people may have gotten inspired by the temporary success in Egypt where the people rose up and over thru their dictator.

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