Eli5: How did ancient civilizations in 45 B.C. with their ancient technology know that the earth orbits the sun in 365 days and subsequently create a calender around it which included leap years? 1.51K viewsJanuary 1, 2024 Question100.55K January 12, 2023 0 Comments Eli5: How did ancient civilizations in 45 B.C. with their ancient technology know that the earth orbits the sun in 365 days and subsequently create a calender around it which included leap years? In: 6494 17 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted January 12, 2023 0 Comments 45 BC lol They’ve found land calendars dating to the Neolithic. There was no TV during the last ice age so people had to do anything at night and that was watch the sky. You are viewing 1 out of 17 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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