What exactly is the science? I know green house gasses heat us up but in layman’s terms what happened, and why did it happen? I live in a rural area, and work a blue collar job. My coworkers all think it’s fake, even though I point out current world events. I don’t exactly understand it myself exactly but I know it’s real. Explain like I’m five please
In: 4268
A point I habemt seen touched on yet is that the greenhouse effect also heats up the water on our planet.
The oceans absorb so much of the excess heat our planet puts off and distributes it elsewhere. We are at a point now where our oceans are having a really hard time recycling that heat because the places that were once permanently frozen are much,*much* smaller now…due to the excess heat in the atmosphere that cannot be absorbed by the already warm oceans.
We are fucked, and there’s not much we can do that will provide a visible change in our lifetimes. Maybe our children will see change if we act right now
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