What exactly is the science? I know green house gasses heat us up but in layman’s terms what happened, and why did it happen? I live in a rural area, and work a blue collar job. My coworkers all think it’s fake, even though I point out current world events. I don’t exactly understand it myself exactly but I know it’s real. Explain like I’m five please
In: 4268
The most important part of the science is human behaviour and global politics. Humanity has known this would be a problem for over a century, and has had the solutions for 50 years or more. But the shifts in industry required would make a different set of people rich to those who got rich off exploiting fossil fuels, so they used some of their vast wealth to bribe politicians and pay media to brainwash the public. Thus the issue is clouded in deliberately poor education (as shown by the fact that you don’t know how it works and your coworkers think it’s fake…), nonsense “scientific controversy” or “it’ll be too expensive to fix” or “we need to do something but not like that”, etc etc etc.
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