Eli5 How did humanity manage to ventilate mines?


This just popped into my head, but throughout history humanity has mined to some lesser or greater extend.
But given that lightbulbs were a recent invention, how did we manage to mine throughout history. I understand the idea of the “canary in coal mine” but does it mean we basically hoped on luck or had venting periods?
I can’t imaging an old mining tunnel with torches being anything but a nightmare.

In: 16

7 Answers

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Mining engineer here,

Mining was the single most dangerous job in the world till about 1950. Old mines would use the change in temperatures combined with tunnels designed to encourage natural ventilation. A fire could be started that would “draw in air” and a smoke shaft would be built.

In 2022 we use 2000 hp fans to keep things cool/ clean air. Some extremely deep mines I have been to legit use the largest air-conditioning system the world has to keep the temp at a cool 120F its so hot 5000ft underground

Look at this graph of deaths each year in USA mining


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