[ELI5] How did Nikola Tesla’s RC boat work before the transistor and integrated circuit were invented?


[ELI5] How did Nikola Tesla’s RC boat work before the transistor and integrated circuit were invented?

In: 2

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tesla’s RC boat was very simple, and was reacting to gross/large scale phenomenon such that it didn’t need to engage in sophisticated control. The controls sent a continuous radio signal to the boat, which would be picked up by the antenna mounted on it. Interrupting the signal a certain way with the controls would cause the boat to receive it and turn a little disk with electrical contacts on it, essentially acting as a switch. So for instance, flipping the lever on the control for the “turn on propeller” caused the disk to spin to the appropriate contact and complete the circuit from the battery to the motor.


[ELI5] How did Nikola Tesla’s RC boat work before the transistor and integrated circuit were invented?

In: 2

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tesla’s RC boat was very simple, and was reacting to gross/large scale phenomenon such that it didn’t need to engage in sophisticated control. The controls sent a continuous radio signal to the boat, which would be picked up by the antenna mounted on it. Interrupting the signal a certain way with the controls would cause the boat to receive it and turn a little disk with electrical contacts on it, essentially acting as a switch. So for instance, flipping the lever on the control for the “turn on propeller” caused the disk to spin to the appropriate contact and complete the circuit from the battery to the motor.