eli5 How did people survive if babies cried how they do?


Im not sure if the title made sense but how babies cry to communicate, did they do that in the like prehistoricy times. Cause I refuse to believe that people who were surrounded by bears, moose, just aggressive/kill you quick wild life, lived with screaming babies around.
*Youre in a mudhut*
Husband- Oh my god theres a bear outside
Wife- What do we do
Husband and Wife- :/

In: 6206

21 Answers

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People survived *because* babies cried how they do.
Think waaayy back to prehistoric times, when we were constantly on the verge of death and extinction.
No guns, no houses, maybe nothing more than a sharp stick.
You know what the most dangerous animal alive in those times was?


Humans live in large groups (you will basically never come across only 1 or 2 humans in the wild. Hunting groups might be only a dozen, but home base for the tribe itself, where the babies are, is probably more like 100).
They are fiercely loyal to other members of the same tribe.
They are the only animal that can throw projectiles, the only animal that can communicate attack strategies precisely.
Humans are absolutely deadly, which is why almost every animal (including bears and moose) will run away from them at the first opportunity.

The whole point of the baby’s cry is to alert the most dangerous predator in the world, humans, and to draw them near.
There is no animal, or pack of animals, that can survive an attack of a tribe of humans, even in pre-historic days.
If a mother bear accidentally stumbles upon a baby and that baby cries, that bear is *fucked*.
Maybe it can kill 1 or 2 people first, but it’s still going to die.
If an entire wolf pack comes close enough to a human tribe in the middle of the night to cause a baby to cry, that wolf pack is *fucked*.
Pick any animal or group of animals you like, and it’s the same deal: they get close enough to a baby to make it cry, and they are *fucked*.

The reason we consider things like bears dangerous today is because people today do silly things these days like go off by themselves, or live on a farm with only a few people, far away from their larger “tribe”.
That was a rare occurrence in prehistoric days, and would have almost never happened with a baby around.
A baby in prehistoric days always had effectively an army of at least a couple dozen men within earshot of it, and that private army was strong enough to destroy any animal on the planet.

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