eli5 How did people survive if babies cried how they do?


Im not sure if the title made sense but how babies cry to communicate, did they do that in the like prehistoricy times. Cause I refuse to believe that people who were surrounded by bears, moose, just aggressive/kill you quick wild life, lived with screaming babies around.
*Youre in a mudhut*
Husband- Oh my god theres a bear outside
Wife- What do we do
Husband and Wife- :/

In: 6206

21 Answers

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My babies (especially my youngest two) we’re pretty much constantly held. They were either in a wrap, a sling, lying in bed next to me, or being held by me, my husband, one of my 3-4 older kids, some member of my extended family that had popped in to visit, or a friend that was visiting. Until about 4-6 months, they were pretty much NEVER set down. The only exception is that I would give them some “tummy time” each day, I might set them in a bouncy seat next to the bathtub if I was bathing, and sometimes when the weather was nice I’d strip them down to nothing and I’d take my shirt off and we’d go out into the backyard (privacy fence!) and lie on a blanket together under the oak tree. The fresh air on skin felt nice and baby could nurse or exercise or just look around.

Those babies didn’t cry. They’d only cry if they were physically hurt (which was rare) or sometimes if they had a nightmare or something. There was never a need to cry; a small whimper gets all their needs met. And when they realize that everything they want can be had by making a small squeak, they usually don’t get louder.

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