eli5 How did people survive if babies cried how they do?


Im not sure if the title made sense but how babies cry to communicate, did they do that in the like prehistoricy times. Cause I refuse to believe that people who were surrounded by bears, moose, just aggressive/kill you quick wild life, lived with screaming babies around.
*Youre in a mudhut*
Husband- Oh my god theres a bear outside
Wife- What do we do
Husband and Wife- :/

In: 6206

21 Answers

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Animals don’t go around attacking everything in sight. Every fight they get into is a risk they could get hurt. Getting hurt means losing their ability to hunt. No more hunting means starving to death.

Animals only go after prey they think they have a good chance of taking down with minimal injury risk to themselves. Even in prehistoric times a wolf, lion, etc. could figure out that a loud baby human likely meant there would be a group of larger adult humans nearby with spears and fire. Not worth the risk.

It’s the same reason in modern times if you see a cute bear cub while out hiking, you don’t just go pet it. You get away quickly. Because baby bear means angry momma bear somewhere close.

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