Have you not heard of boats?
All of the Pacific islands were populated by ancient peoples using boats. Madagascar was reached by people from Indonesia by boat before people from Africa by boat.
Homosapiens have been on the 6 populated continents for at least 10k years. Homosapiens have been on Earth for about 200,000 years. Hominids have been on Earth for 2 million years.
The Americas were full of uncontacted tribes just 500 years ago, and many of them were still uncontacted well after that point. If there were tribal people surviving on Earth 500 years ago, why would they have suddenly disappeared in the last few centuries?
We believe North Sentinal Island was first populated around 60k years ago. The bronze age started around 5k years ago, the agricultural revolution was around 12k years ago. There’s no reason to believe the last 10k years would have gone any worse for them than the first 50k unless they were contacted by the civilized world, but their remoteness, isolationism, and hostility has prevented that.
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