ELI5- How did the Soviet Union collapse?

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ELI5- How did the Soviet Union collapse?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The centrally controlled economic system was unable to maintain the standard of living and the functioning of the economy. Stopping new and critical ideas from spreading made it hard for technology to improve and for people to have better life.

The government’s power became so weak that it couldn’t forcefully control the states and groups it had been oppressed in previous decades anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments


A couple of Corrupted liberal leaders wanted more power and money so they disbanded the union overnight and abolished socialism against the will of the people.

There were huge mass protests, quality of life dropped instantly, price caps were removed so prices of everything, including food and housing rocketed up so people could no longer afford food or housing so were selling everything they owned trying to get enough to buy food, homelessness exploded and Life expectancy dropped ~6 years immediately.