Eli5 How did travelers/crusaders in medieval times get a clean and consistent source of water


Eli5 How did travelers/crusaders in medieval times get a clean and consistent source of water

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As a student of medieval history and times, I can honestly say that every one of us would be absolutely horrified if we actually went back in time and saw the horrendous, filthy, diseased food and drink that the average medieval person imbibed. Never mind the disgusting filth everywhere from human waste. E-coli infections would have been commonplace, along with dysentery and general bacterial infestations. Never mind the vermin…lice, bedbugs, flies. People bathed seldom, even among the wealthy, almost never among the peasants. Essentially, we would pass out from the smells alone. And then we would die of some horrible infection or disease that could have been treated with a 3 day regimen of Keflex.

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