From my Gen Z understanding, asbestos was found out to be really toxic and damaging, but how did we purge it like we did lead in most products? I know with other hazardous waste we have to bury it for the foreseeable thousands of years, or it turns into a superfund site. What methods did we manly use to get rid of asbestos? I have also checked search, and search engines extensively to see similar queries but I have found none. So, I see this to be OC if that makes sense, or an original question.
In: 1
Most hazardous waste doesn’t need buried for thousands of years, just processed properly. Asbestos can also be processed and made safe, *but* it is much easier and cheaper to throw it out. Wetting it and sealing it is a simple and effective means of trapping it. The water keeps it from separating and entering the air, and the seal keeps the water as well as asbestos in.
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