Eli5: how did we get to the point where laptops and phones are in the same price range ?


Eli5: how did we get to the point where laptops and phones are in the same price range ?

In: 16910

16 Answers

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One major component to this is supply and demand.

Let’s look at the three major computer forms these days.

1. Mobile phone that can do almost everything except hardcore data processing
2. Laptop that can do everything a phone can (except calls) with great data processing
3. desktop that does laptop with better processing and generally no portability

Most people who needed a computer for general life stuff all of a sudden were buying cheaper laptops with reduced processing ability, these laptop users have moved to mobile phones as it did everything they needed and was super portable, the desktop users stayed on desktops as they still needed the processing power. The laptop market kinda got wiped out.

Less demand + less supply = price increase

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