Eli5 how did we make the first computer


Didn’t we really just trick rocks into thinking? I can’t wrap my head around it

Edit: computer as in gaming computer

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6 Answers

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We did a lot to get to today’s gaming computers. Basically we created a lot of abstraction layers to get there + generation advancement.

Basically we have digital logic, the logic of 1s and 0s. With the invention of the transistor we created electrical circuits (logic gates) that code do digital logic, stick a lot of logic gates together and we have useful mathematical tools like an adder or a subtracter, stick a shitton of these tools and you get complex units, these complex units together make a microprocessor. Or a common thing you know, A CPU! Or a central processing unit, from it’s name, it processes logic and makes math. There’s a lot of ways to arrange and make your complex units and depending on your arrangements (architecture) you get different instructions. Instructions in a nutshell is like “put the value 5 in the x location” the modern CPU uses the 8086 architecture and we have a thing that makes programs called an assembler. It’s basically it’s programming but WAYY closer to the CPU/digital logic.

Idk how to describe it but It’s quite simple but complex (you get commands that literally say “save the value 5 in address AX) so it’s communicating directly with the CPU). Anyway we created the operating system with Assembly (the language) and then we created a programming language that is more readable to humans like c++

Let’s sum things a bit, so we use c++ to make a program, that program translates to assembly, and assembly translate to 0s and 1s that are processed by the CPU. Now you use c++ to make programs like browsers and games.

Ok so this isn’t eli5 and I suck at explaining things but I wanted to comment nonetheless or made mistakes, I also didn’t talk about a lot of stuff like memory or the kernal of the OS because each layer is basically several courses. I highly recommend looking these things up if you are curious and even more highly recommend studying computer engineering if you are this curious about computers in general. I was too curious and wanted to exactly know how computers work from A to Z and CPE didn’t disappoint me

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