Eli5: how do adjustable propane regulators work?


I was gifted a used propane fire pit with silica sand.

It has a red adjustable regulator right at the tank connection marked “decrease” as it opens(to remove it all the way) and “increase” the more it’s closed. And an on/off valve at the base of the fire pit.

When lighting it there’s no change when turning the regulator, it seems wide open all the time.

Why does the regulator not work and appear fully open regardless of adjustment?

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A gas regulator basically acts like a metering valve. It lets gas flow by adjusting pressure basically. Even if you don’t have a pressure gauge on it, it’s usually what it does. You likely have what’s called a pressure reducing regulator.

One thing about gas regulators is that like valves, they can break or get stuck. It is possible that the gas regulator is broken or stuck in an open position.

Depending on how the regulator is made, it may also require a fair bit of turning to get meaningful changes. It may not also.

If you could measure pressure at the tank and the outlet of the regulator, you’d know whether or not it’s actually working. Sometimes, it may seem like the regulator is doing nothing even if it is actually doing something.