Eli5: How do antihistamines work and what is the difference between first generation and second?


Eli5: How do antihistamines work and what is the difference between first generation and second?

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10 Answers

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Think of your body as a house with windows. When something outside, like pollen or dust, comes in through the windows, it can make you sneeze, itch, and feel uncomfortable.

Now, first-generation antihistamines are like old-fashioned window screens. They can block the things from coming inside, but they also make the room a little darker and cozy. They have this side effect of making you feel sleepy, like wanting to take a nap.

On the other hand, second-generation antihistamines are like modern window screens. They also keep the bad things out, but they let more light into the room. They do their job without making you feel sleepy or tired.

1st gen antihistamines are useful if you want the added sleepy effect or need to sedate someone, but 2nd gen are for when you need to carry on with life as normal!

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