Eli5: How do apes like chimps and gorillas have extraordinary strength, and are well muscled all year round – while humans need to constantly train their whole life to have even a fraction of that strength?


It’s not like these apes do any strenuous activity besides the occasional branch swinging (or breaking).

Whereas a bodybuilder regularly lifting 80+ kgs year round is still outmatched by these apes living a relatively relaxed lifestyle.

In: 8644

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> It’s not like these apes do any strenuous activity besides the occasional branch swinging

Have you ever swung from a branch? Go outside and try it. It takes a shitload of strength to carry your body by your arms.

> Whereas a bodybuilder regularly lifting 80+ kgs year round is still outmatched by these apes living a relatively relaxed lifestyle.

Human muscles will atrophy if they aren’t used. The body will actively scavenge from them if they are not needed. Apes have to maintain that muscle mass all the time, because their bodies aren’t capable of that. If their muscles are atrophied, it’s because they are sick or undernourished.

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