eli5 how do chocolate truffles like Lindt Lindor make the filling inside cold despite being sold at room temperature?


eli5 how do chocolate truffles like Lindt Lindor make the filling inside cold despite being sold at room temperature?

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The center isn’t colder, it’s also room temperature.

Your body doesn’t actually have a way of telling the absolute temperature of things. It can only tell if something is taking heat away from it(cold) or giving it heat(hot). It can also tell how fast that’s happening. You can try this right now. Touch something plastic around you and touch something metal. They’re both the same temperature but the metal feels colder, because its taking the heat away from you faster then the plastic is.

Similarly the center of the truffle feels colder because its made of a type of chocolate the melts above room temperature but below your body temperature. As the chocolate melts it takes heat away from your tongue faster then a chocolate that doesn’t melt, and therefore feels colder to you.

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