eli5 how do compression stockings help your body while flying on an airplane? And is it just older people that should be wearing them?


eli5 how do compression stockings help your body while flying on an airplane? And is it just older people that should be wearing them?

In: 1021

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not about the airplane, it’s about sitting for hours on end. It helps with circulation because if you sit for too long, it could cause a blood clot due to circulation being cut off. The compression stocking helps prevent it. Anyone with poor circulation or thick blood should wear them.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Compression socks are amazing and frankly if you work on your feet all day your body will thank you. I work in long term care, compression socks save my back and no varicose veins for me. They aren’t just for the elderly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Compression socks are amazing and frankly if you work on your feet all day your body will thank you. I work in long term care, compression socks save my back and no varicose veins for me. They aren’t just for the elderly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Compression socks are amazing and frankly if you work on your feet all day your body will thank you. I work in long term care, compression socks save my back and no varicose veins for me. They aren’t just for the elderly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe military pilots also wear G-Suits which do something similar but for a different purpose (helping in high-g manouvers bycompressing the legs so blood doesn’t rush away from the brain)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe military pilots also wear G-Suits which do something similar but for a different purpose (helping in high-g manouvers bycompressing the legs so blood doesn’t rush away from the brain)