Eli5 How do drugs allow people to ignore being tased


It makes sense for something like pepper spray cause they’re so wacked out they don’t even feel the pain. I thought tasers forced you down by making your muscles contract though? How do drugs prevent this?

In: 15

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> I thought tasers forced you down by making your muscles contract though?

Yes, but also just because it *fucking hurts*. One problem with tasers is that you need the two barbs to have the right distance apart when they stick. If they are too far apart, there’s too much resistance and not enough current will flow, and it won’t be enough to drop them. If they’re too close together, the current won’t pass through enough muscle tissue and it won’t drop them.

That’s not usually that big of a problem because no matter what happens it’s probably going to still hurt. You’re going to instinctively clench your muscles against the pain. If you’re really high, though, you might not notice the pain so you just…keep going.

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