Eli5 How do drugs work


How do drugs, especially alcohol, affect your brain so that you do and think things that you would never do when you’re not under the influence

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

most simply put; drugs and alcohol have lots of chemicals that react with our brain chemicals in weird ways..

an interesting thing to note aswell the brain releases loads of DMT when you die (and you can also take it as a psychedelic drug). can basically practice death lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

First we need to look at your nervous system. You have neurotransmitters which are known to play a role in feelings and behavior. Think of neurotransmitters as messengers. They carry messages along your nervous system through a network of neurons. Neurons have three parts – cell body, axon, and axon terminal.

Cell body maintains function of the nerve cell.

The axon carries electrical messages along to the terminal.

The axon terminal is where the electrical message is changed to a chemical message using neurotransmitters to communicate with the next group of nerve cells, muscle cells or organs.

Neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal, cross a space called the synaptic cleft, and lands on and binds to a specific receptor on the neighboring target cell, which triggers a change in the target cell.

When you take a drug, it can block the target cell from accepting neurotransmitters, which floods the synaptic cleft with those neurotransmitters. They could also block the neurotransmitters from being released.

Hope this helps

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are two types: depressants and stimulants

Some think alcohol is a stimulant… It’s actually a depressant.

There are a lot of mechanisms in the brain affected by drugs… GABA (how relaxed you are), serotonin (how happy you feel), dopamine (you feel accomplished), adrenaline (you feel a little bit of a high). And all addictive drugs have 1 thing in common: they all affect dopamine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Brain cells have many different chemical receptors. Your brain cells communicate with each other and send information by releasing chemicals to other brain cells. When you take a substance, the chemicals from whatever you took can either fit closely enough into these cell receptors to simulate the sending of information, or they can block the cell receptors from receiving any information your other brain cells are sending. Most substances are the first option, meaning they overactivate certain parts of the brain (or make signals in those parts easier to fire).