Eli5 How do Earthquakes kill people?


By which I mean what is the actual cause of death for most people killed by earthquakes? I was reading a list of the 10 deadliest earthquakes ever and a number happened hundreds or even over a 1,000 years ago. This would be in a time where I presume people would have been less likely to live in large buildings and get buried under rubble. So how exactly were they killed?

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14 Answers

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#1. Stuff falling and crushing them.
#2. Fires from gas main ruptures
#3. Drowning from being trapped with a ruptured water main
#4. Car collision at high speed
#5. Infrastructure collapse – see double decker higway in la
#6. Tsunami, flooding, drowning by a raise in sea level.
#7. Electrocution from fallen electrical wires
#8. Infection with no access to healthcare.
#9. Smoke inhilation.
#10. Miriad of infections casued by drinking non-potable water (developing nation mostly)
#11. Radiation expousre ( japan is one of the most nuclearized countries and is a heavily active earthquake zone.
#12. Lack of expeidient health care, bleeding to death etc.

Some redundancies here, but this is what i could think of off the top of my head.

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