eli5 How do economies grow? Who grows them?


eli5 How do economies grow? Who grows them?

In: 9

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Explain like im 5.

We do. We grow the economy. My role in growing it has changed a couple times, right now I spend about 40 hours a week taking metal that my work buys and I help turn it into medical instruments and implants. If your knee stopped working well, would you prefer to have it taken out and replaced with a random steel cylinder or maybe go with a knee replacement that looks a lot like a natural human knee and will function similarly? 50 years ago the first knee replacement surgery happened, now some dummy like me has a role in making those metal parts we use to replace them.

Everyone from the original designers and engineers who made that first replacement knee, the machinists who operate the machines that take blocks of metal and cut them down into what will become a finished piece, the cleaning staff who clean the bathrooms and breakrooms, the surgeons who actually put those knees into patients and so many more people, they all grow the economy. That patient who needs a knee replacement after 40 years of labor? Yeah, he grew the economy too.

There are definitely some bigger picture perspectives to be shared here but if a 5 year old asked me this, this would be my answer.

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