ELi5: how do electrolytes help with hydration?


Do electrolytes help retain water or do they help absorb water? Also what even is an electrolyte?

In: 5

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolytes are basically just nutrition. It doesn’t exactly help hydrate you but it replaces nutrients that are often lost with water like sweat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolytes are chemicals such as sodium chloride (tabel salt, NaCl) that your body uses to regulate the amount of water in your blood and cells, and to control nerves and muscles. They are called electrolytes because the chemicals when dissolved in water can conduct an electric charge. Hydration is just keeping the water in your body. Electrolytes help water get into and stay in cells, and keeps blood from becoming too thick and gooey, and stops your muscles from siezing up or your nerves from twitching.

You lose a lot of electrolytes through sweating. So taking salt during exercise or work is a way to keep a proper amount of electrolytes in your body.

And in any discussion of electrolytes, it is essential to note that they are what plants crave. Althoug really, plants do not crave them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An electrolyte is just an ionic compound that dissolves in water. This causes osmotic pressure, which our bodies try to keep at a stable level. The key thing to remember is that osmotic pressure depends on the concentration of electrolytes (moles of electrolytes/liter of water)

If you have too much electrolytes in your body, then pressure gets too high, so your kidneys dump the excess electrolytes out in your urine. On the other hand, if you have not enough electrolytes in your body, then pressure gets too low, so your kidneys dump excess water out in your urine. This increases the concentration of electrolytes which then increases osmotic pressure.

When you sweat a lot, you lose both water and electrolytes. If you simply drink water, then you get your ‘liters of water’ back to normal but your ‘moles of electrolytes’ is too low. This causes your body to pee out water until the liters of water goes low enough to get the concentration back to normal. This peeing dehydrates you. Drinking an electrolyte drink like gatorade or pedialyte gets both ‘liters of water’ and ‘moles of electrolytes’ back to normal.

So why don’t we normally drink gatorade all the time? Because most people barely sweat, and eat a lot of salty food, so their concentration of electrolytes is too high. This causes their body to urinate out the excess electrolytes to get down to the correct concentration. Why is this a problem? Well your kidneys are not 100% efficient so you lose some water when you do this, so you get dehydrated a little. Drinking pure water will get your concentration back to balanced, which prevents this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrolytes are salts. If you drink only water you will get headaches and feel bad because you are passively losing some salt as your kidneys try to remove the water. Electrolytes help with hydration because they match the salinity of your body so your kidneys don’t need to expel water to keep the proper salt to water ratio, thus you will pee less and be better hydrated. On the extreme end if you drink salt water you will become dehydrated since there is more salt in the water than in your blood so you will be at a water deficit.