Eli5, How do gforces effect smaller things differently?


More specifically, I was watching a video of an RC helicopter doing amazing stunts and thought to myself imagine being in a full sized helicopter doing that. I’d be dead! But then began pondering, would I experience the same stress on my body if I were smaller?
Perhaps an even easier way to distill this question down is, whatever amount of gforce we perish at, would that number be different if we were a tenth of our size? And what would be the main contributing factor? Our weight crushing ourselves? Blood not being able to flow? Fluids being pressed through our cells?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some good points already, but perhaps most importantly for the initial question, when you are “scaling” the helicopter, you are also scaling speed and acceleration: The actual g-forces present in the spinning helicopter are not that large. It moves at a high velocity relative to its size, but absolutely speaking, it’s still quite slow.

So, even aside from possible size benefits for withstanding acceleration, helicopter small -> speed small -> gforce small. The fair comparison would be to have the tiny version of you in the large helicopter doing similar spins.

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